How to become a harmonious force within its environment?

Today we are all confronted with almost continuous conflicts whose origin lies first of all in our internal dialogue.
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 How to become a harmonious force within its environment?

How to become a harmonious force within its environment?

Today we are all confronted with almost continuous conflicts whose origin lies first of all in our internal dialogue.

However, we tend to notice them outside of ourselves, either in our interactions with others or when we are external witnesses of conflicting relationships in our surroundings.

But our life experience is a reflection of our thoughts and beliefs. Indeed, our life is actually a holographic projection of our internal world. The process of vision is the perfect analogy. The images we see are formed not outside but directly on our retina.

This is a subject that is close to my heart since I have lived in Marseille, a city where it seems that violence and pollution are increasing every day, where garbage in the streets is commonplace, and where attacks with weapons white seem to go to a crescendo.

Paradoxically, it is also a peaceful, beautiful and majestic city. Its seaside, its colors, its air so lively at times, make you feel its deep and rich soul. Marseille is as rich and diverse as its people.

 Indeed, everything exists, everything is possible, these two experiences of life in Marseille are not only specific to the city of Marseille, they are simply the micro-reflection of our world as a whole: although this outside world seems opposite, it is in reality the perfect analogy of our being which is only as rich and diverse as the integration of its paradoxes.

So since everything exists, what conscious choice can I make? How not to be carried away by the winds of conflict? The key word here is “conscious”: conscious choice involves intention and therefore attention.

 So in all its conflicting situations that we either witness or experience directly, how could we then become a harmonious force that would appease such situations? How could our mere presence bring harmony? And tend towards more spirituality?

The first step is first of all to believe that it is possible, the second is the will not to take sides but to act only as a peaceful influence, either in silence if possible, or by intervening in a conscious way, if it becomes necessary.

 In reality, conflicts do not represent good and evil. They are only the point of inconsistency, from which emerge confused emotions and thoughts. These are the result of the chaotic and fragmented energy of consciousness. Good and Evil are only the reflections of this storm.

 because by raising our voice to justify ourselves and affirm that only we are in the truth, it prevents us from being vulnerable and thus from admitting that we are hurt, confused, and torn inside. But as soon as we take sides, we contribute to the conflict. We use our own turmoil, judgments, and patterns to water this useless grass.

But by making a conscious choice to intentionally be an instrument of peace, we can bring that peace and calm so nourishing to the soul, mind and body of every human being. And this not only because it is morally positive to make this choice, but because without an influence of peace, calm and serenity, no productive social change can occur.

While we are complex beings struggling with conflicting emotions and motivations, there exists deep within our hearts and within everyone a unifying bond that when we meditate transcends any internal or external contrast.

 It is only in meditation that we consciously graft our mind to that inner reality which transcends conflict and dilemma. During the conscious rest offered by meditation we go beyond the fears and troubles of the ego to embrace and let ourselves be embraced by our soul.

All separative thought fades away, and we then enter a unified state of consciousness. This experience of oneness and inner calm is extremely refreshing to the mind, allowing it to gently untangle old patterns and conditioned judgments freeing us from the turmoil of internal and therefore external conflict. This allows us to develop a neutral and clear vision at the level of our soul thus building the foundations of a paradigm of peace and harmony.

 This paradigm allows us to dissolve this illusory separation that there is a "we" and a "them", and allows us to live all our humanity in its entirety in order to become a channel of peace so that all those who approach us can merge. in this common and universal consciousness.

So when we witness conflicts, our presence by this simple awareness begins to appease and reassure the protagonists.

 With our intention and attention, we can begin to send vibrational waves of peace and harmony because we have actually become so, not out of interest or ulterior motive.

Meditation: Become a catalyst for peace and serenity:

Today I invite you to take five minutes to establish yourself in peace. Sit quietly with your eyes closed and begin by doing a few cycles of long, deep breaths.

 Then bring your attention to your heart and silently repeat these four words: peace, harmony, laughter, love. Allow these words to radiate into the silence of your heart and body. Complete the meditation session by remaining seated for a few moments, enjoying the simplicity of mindful and quiet rest.

As Mother Theresa said: “I have been asked why I do not participate in ANTI-WAR demonstrations. I said I would never do that, but as soon as you have a rally FOR peace, I'll be there. »
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