4-Week Challenge to Transform Your Body with 10 Minutes a Day

Working in the office forces us to lead a sedentary life, which does not have a positive effect on health. When in the evening you realize that during
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 4-Week Challenge to Transform Your Body with 10 Minutes a Day

4-Week Challenge to Transform Your Body with 10 Minutes a Day

Working in the office forces us to lead a sedentary life, which does not have a positive effect on health. When in the evening you realize that during the whole day you have only got up from your chair a few times, it is time to change the routine!

The modern pace of life does not always allow you to devote time to a full workout, which is why some exercises can be done right behind the desk. On average, you need to spend at least half an hour during the working day. Even for those 30 minutes of movement, your body will thank you!

If you take a closer look, you can find many good training opportunities in the office. You just need to learn how to use them. Any training, including office, you need to start with a warm-up. The ideal is to go up and down two or three floors. It's fine to do it every hour or two. You immediately “wake up” the muscles from the sitting position. And at the same time you rest for a few minutes from the work routine. Now let me introduce you to 8 simple exercises that can be done in the office.


– Bend over or squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you, just outside your feet.

– Jump both feet back so that you are now in a plank position.

– Do push-ups: your chest should touch the ground. You can also drop to your knees here, which makes impending push-ups easier.

– Push up to return to plank position (this can be a strict push-up, a knee push-up, or not a push-up at all (i.e. just push yourself up off the floor like you would if you weren't (it's not working)—your choice).

– Jump from the feet to the hands.

– Jump into the air explosively, extending your arms straight above your head.


– Start in a plank position with your arms straight. Your shoulders should be above your wrists and your body should form a straight line from head to toe. Keep your core engaged and don't let your hips sag.

– Next, slowly bend your elbows and lower your chest towards the floor.

– Then press up to return to plank position


– Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and your hands clasped behind your head. Elbows should be apart. Feet should be flat on the ground.

– Keep knees bent, feet above the floor, alternating knees and elbows.


– With a yoga mat, start in a push-up position. Place your forearms on the floor so that your elbows and fists

– Contract your core, gently curl your toes and lengthen your spine. Try to be as parallel to the ground as possible.

– Pull one knee out from the shoulder.


– With a yoga mat, start in a push-up position. Place your forearms on the floor so that your elbows and fists

– Contract your core, gently curl your toes and lengthen your spine. Try to be as parallel to the ground as possible.

– Flex your abdominal muscles and feel pressure in your gluteal muscles. Stay stable in this position and you will feel the burn in your abdominal muscles.

– Time yourself, stay in the position for 20-30 seconds and do 3-4 reps a day


– Lie on an exercise mat with your back supported on the mat.

– Stop position: spread your arms along the body, away from the body. Position your hands so that your palms are facing up.

– Applying the force of your heels, lift your hips upwards.

– Final position: continue lifting your glutes upwards until your thighs, hips and back are in a straight line.

– Stay in this position for a count of one and return to the starting position by lowering your hips towards the floor.

– Pause and repeat the steps above.


– Stand as straight as possible with your feet shoulder-width apart.

– Lower your body as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees.

– Pause, then slowly push yourself back to the starting position.


– Position your feet wider than your hips with your toes and knees facing forward. Keep your head up and your spine elongated so that there is no curvature in your back.

– Place your arms along your body or bring your hands in front of your chest to help you keep your balance. Inhale, bend your knees and lower your hips behind you to a comfortable depth or until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

– Prevent your knees from moving past your toes. Exhale, press your heels into the floor and straighten your legs back to the starting position
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