Drink water and sleep more.. Here is the lazy guide to losing weight!

Drink water and sleep more.. Here is the lazy guide to losing weight!
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 Drink water and sleep more.. Here is the lazy guide to losing weight!

Drink water and sleep more.. Here is the lazy guide to losing weight!

Drink water and sleep more.. Here is the lazy guide to losing weight!
About 5 years ago, I realized I had gradually gained 15 pounds, due to anxiety, overeating, and a complete ignorance of the calories I was consuming, says Stephanie Wyant, writer at MOTIVATIONAL FEARLESS .

One day I woke up and realized that if I didn't lose weight now, I might never be able to. So I exercised and changed my diet. I ran, lifted weights, watched calories, and cut down on sweets, but there were no drastic changes.

Now, I am back to a healthy weight and have taken basic measures just to maintain it. I hate aerobics, but I love donuts. For the lazy person in all of us, here are 16 different ways to help you lose weight and keep it off. This worked for me!

1- Drink water.

Lots of it! It's not only good for you to clean toxins from your body and keep your organs working optimally - helping to drop pounds - but water will also fill you up, so you'll eat less.

2- Sleep more.

If you sleep, you won't eat, and more sleep means less energy the body needs from calories in foods. Sleep 8 to 9 hours a night, or at least, 1-2 hours more than you normally sleep.

3- Eat breakfast.

Eat fruits, all grains.. Give your body energy in the morning to start the metabolism process, to help burn your calories and control your hunger pangs.

4- Walk for 30 minutes a day.
Reflect on the purpose of your life, or meditate on what is around you. Just stay active for 30 minutes a day and you will start to see the effects.

5- Eat as much as you want!

From carrots, apples, oranges, or any fruit or vegetable that meets your craving for food. These foods are rich and good for you, and after a few days, your body will be craving them instead of a bag of greasy potato chips.

6- Save coffee and sweets, but early.

If you crave a piece of cake or a cup of coffee, don't deny yourself. Just get them early in the day, not before bed. Sugar and caffeine will prevent you from getting a good night's sleep, which can lead to overeating the next day.

7- Forgive yourself.

Don't beat yourself up for not working out or feeling tight in your jeans. Negative thoughts contribute to depression, which in turn can contribute to weight gain and overeating.

8- Eat more snacks!

Eating small bites throughout the day will keep your blood sugar from rising, and keep you from overeating if you leave yourself hungry for too long.

9- Keep calories in your food.

You will feel full if you eat after soda. If the water before food does not work, as we mentioned earlier, add lemon or lemon juice, or a little orange peel.

10- Chew gum.
Restrict your eating with chewing gum.

11- Watch TV while lifting weights.

Depending on your body size and goals, lift 3 to 10 pounds. It's easier to lift weights while watching your favorite show. Which will help burn fat without much effort. Just be careful and don't overdo it: these weights will alter your movements and can cause damage to ligaments and bones.

12. Slow down your meals.

Taste your food! You will enjoy eating and feel more satisfied. You'll also become more aware when you're full, helping you reduce the chance of overeating.

13- Meditate and breathe.

Anxiety and stress contribute to weight gain. Meditation helps you calm down and take a moment for yourself. Think positive and focus on your goals. Not only will you feel better, but you will be encouraged and re-energized to continue your quest to be healthy.

14- Use a smaller plate.
The psychology behind this sounds trivial, but it works.. If your plate looks half empty, your nose will feel starved. If it looks full, you will feel full. So to help slim your waist and fill your stomach, fill it up but make it smaller.

15- Clean your teeth.

Especially right after dinner, it will help you curb your craving for dessert. After all, we lazy people don't want to brush our teeth twice in the same evening, do we?

16. Practice for 7 minutes.

Realistically, tests show noticeable results if done for 20 minutes a day. However, 7 to 20 minutes of intense training can require real effort.
But wait, it's only 7 minutes out of 1,440 per day.

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