"Renegade Row" a complete exercise to have a flat stomach and firm arms

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 "Renegade Row" a complete exercise to have a flat stomach and firm arms

"Renegade Row" a complete exercise to have a flat stomach and firm arms

The "Renegade Row" is an exercise that effectively works the upper back, abdomen, arms and shoulders. This is a push-up exercise that is performed with dumbbells. If you want to do it, then know that it is particularly useful when incorporating it into your workout routine at home or at the gym. We share with you the stages of its execution.
One of the main goals of "Renegade Row" is toning the abdomen for a firm, flat stomach. Since it's not just planks and burpees, the Renegade Row turns out to be a complete exercise as it also shapes the arms into a nice shape. You can do it as a bodyweight exercise, or arm yourself with a barbell or kettlebell for added resistance.

Renegade Row Point
It is an exercise combining two classic movements: the barbell row and the plank. The first is a recurring exercise for training enthusiasts and focuses particularly on the back and biceps. When it comes to the board, there's a good chance you've tried it before, unless it's not already part of your routine. Renegade Row is in some ways the most important exercise in training sessions.

With this exercise, not only will you be able to tone the abdomen and sculpt your arms, but it is a movement that will breathe new life into your habits. It's also a great way to develop anti-rotational oblique strength to improve your stability, coordination, and balance. Make way for the steps to achieve it and obtain a firm stomach and stylized arms.

How to do the Renegade Row?
Depending on your strength and resistance, you will work with a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells as well as a mat on the floor. For example, you can start with light weights if this is your first time doing it. Also favor hexagonal dumbbells so that you can put them on the ground and use them as support.

Adopt the correct posture:
1. On your mat, with a dumbbell in each of your hands, position yourself as if you were about to do a push-up;

2. Adjust your arms so that your wrists are parallel to your shoulders;

3. Spread your feet apart as they too should be parallel to the shoulders;

4. Since this position involves your body being straight, adopt a posture to form a straight line from heels to head. The same principle as that of the boards therefore;

5. Contract your abdominal muscles.

Execution of the Renegade Row:
1. Hoist one of the dumbbells and raise your arm, your elbow pointing upwards.

2. Then lower the dumbbell back to the starting position and do the same movement on the other side.

3. Alternate each side and make sure you don't twist your torso

4. Repeat the movements eight times for three to four sets.

If this maneuver is difficult for you, it is perfectly normal to begin with as it requires good abdominal strength. However, you can take advantage of this exercise by starting with an easier variant, this time putting your knees on the ground. With this modified plank position, the exercise will remain the same but you will no longer have to maintain and control as much body weight.

If, on the other hand, you want to take the challenge up a notch, swap the dumbbells for kettlebells or sandbells. Their structure makes the maneuver and the stabilization of the movement a little more difficult to control.

You can also tackle 8 simple and effective exercises to get a flat stomach in 30 days.

Common mistakes
As stated by Very Well Fit, the most common mistakes that can be observed in the Renegade Row are those of the board or the barbell row, so you should know them in order to correct and avoid them:

Back Swing: Typically associated with plank exercise, it is characterized by the tendency to swing the hips. It can happen if your abdominal strength and spine erectors are weak. As a result, you put yourself at risk of putting strain on your lower back. To correct this, pay attention to your hips so that they don't fall to the floor and be sure to line them up with your heels and shoulders. You can still lower your knees to the ground if you are having difficulty keeping your hips straight.

Buttock contraction: While this isn't a mistake that will negatively affect your body, it does reduce the challenge.Your abdominal muscles are going to be strained less than they should, which will significantly reduce the interest of the exercise. Here again you will watch your posture by trying to align your buttocks with your head and your heels. The idea is for your body to be straight.

Hips Are Not Aligned: Properly aligning your hips during the barbell row of the exercise is a key criterion for a successful exercise. However, you may tend to lift one hip while lowering the other to make it easier to lift the weight. However, it is important to keep your hips stable for the movement to bear fruit.

Contraction or suspension of the neck: As with the previous examples, you can see that the point of the exercise is to adopt an upright posture. In other words, let your whole body be taken care of so that your hips and shoulders remain perpendicular to the floor.

Precautions to take
The Renegade Rows exercise is definitely a good idea for you, if you have a level that allows you to plank for at least a minute. The most important precaution is maintaining a tight core while you exercise. This will prevent the aforementioned errors.

Depending on how much weight you are supporting with your upper body, you may experience discomfort in your elbows, shoulders and wrists. This will especially be the case if these areas have been previously injured. It is therefore necessary to pay attention to possible pain in the joints.

For wrist pain, lean back towards your forearms to check that the wrists are straight and not hypertensive. If they are, adjust them to reduce the strain on their joints. Of course, it will be up to you to stop exercising if you experience overwhelming pain. Regarding joint pain, you can turn to natural remedies that can also treat osteoarthritis of the knee.

Tips and recommendations for having a flat stomach
Since a flat stomach is not just about exercise, it is even more guaranteed to be obtained with a healthy diet and a change in certain daily habits. Therefore, it is important to rely on good nutrition, exercise and stress management. So here are eight tips based on them:

Regulate your stress with yoga and meditation

Stress can take many forms. It can for example result in the famous blow of the blues, by tensions or annoyances. These are all emotions that build up in the stomach area and therefore create complications such as bloating or indigestion. In order to rule them out, one should treat the problem at the source by doing meditation or yoga. You will therefore be able to free yourself from the negative emotions that overwhelm you after having identified the causes of your worries.

Consume olive oil daily
Who says flat stomach also says healthy stomach. Olive oil, by the way, is just as effective a remedy as the old one that helps in good digestion while preventing constipation. Its action can also be seen in its ability to fight cardiovascular disease and restore the pH of our body. Finally, this "yellow gold" is also presented as a wonderful antioxidant.

Make planks
To have a flat stomach, it is important to exercise your body through regular exercise. In that sense, it's no coincidence that boards are so popular. A reputation commensurate with their efficiency and ease of execution.

To do this, get down on the ground, body parallel to the ground and on your forearms. At the same time, make sure you are on your tiptoes while strengthening your muscles. Hold for 20 seconds if this is your first time doing the plank, then increase that time each day for a month.

Add spices to your dishes
By adding spices to your diet, your body temperature rises and your body reacts by burning calories. Obviously, spices by themselves will not guarantee this result. This will only be obtained if your spices are added to healthy foods, without putting in excess.

Consume fatty acids
To eliminate bad fats while having a quality diet, good fatty acids are definitely to be included in your everyday menu. You will find it, for example, in nuts, fish, avocado or sweet potato. They are also particularly rich in fiber.

Massage your belly
As with meditation and yoga, belly massage can help you avoid bloating, have good digestion, and decrease fat accumulation. To perform the massage, you will need the help of a third person who will press gently on your stomach in large circles.

Choose detox foods
Certain foods can improve digestion while helping to remove waste products from the body. Artichoke, prune or apple are some of them. On the other hand, you will improve your bowel movements if you consume more fruits and vegetables rich in fiber and plant proteins such as walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds.

Consume a sufficient amount of water daily
Hydration is important for the body and plays a role in the elimination of toxins from the body and in stimulating the lymphatic system. Water, along with tea and infusions, is a drink with draining capacities that helps restore the proper functioning of the digestive system. On the other hand, in addition to hydrating, water helps prevent snacking and control appetite. Finally, it is important to remember that you must give up alcohol, industrial fruit juices and carbonated drinks that can interfere with your new habits.Do not lose sight of the other ways that will help you eliminate the toxins that cause fatigue and bloating.

Add baking soda to your cooking
We are more prone to have a bloated stomach after consuming fermented foods. To avoid this, you may prefer to use baking soda for cooking. When it comes to seasoning, opt for balsamic vinegar or lemon juice rather than margarine or crème fraîche. The idea is to cut out fatty ingredients for cooking.

Perform the breathing technique
When the abdomen is compressed, it can cause severe abdominal pain. This can be caused by tension that causes less breathing. As a result, the body receives less oxygen and the now tense diaphragm causes compression of the abdomen.

It is therefore necessary to treat your stress by focusing on good breathing. It will aid digestion, tone your abdominals and relieve stress that causes bloating.

Adopt the Hula Hoop
Although familiar, the Hula Hoop is not an exercise that many people engage in. Still, it can prove to be quite useful for anyone who wants to slim their waistline through contraction of the abdominals. To do this, put a hoop around the waist and make it wave, holding as long as possible. Moreover, although it involves a certain patience and habit, the Hula Hoop has the merit of giving a playful dimension to your sports routine.

Do regular exercises
Another way to avoid bloating to lose stomach is to do a regular sport activity.Focus on the duration rather than the intensity of the exercise by doing activities such as swimming, cycling or walking.
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