7 habits to have a beautiful butt

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 7 habits to have a beautiful butt

7 habits to have a beautiful butt

To strengthen your buttocks effectively, you need to know the right tips. The key is to arm yourself with motivation and rigor to strengthen this part of the body on a daily basis. Food, sport or practical advice, discover 7 habits to have beautiful plump buttocks.
Saying goodbye to a sagging buttock is possible. To achieve this, you have to work the gluteus maximus muscle, tone the surrounding skin and above all, fight the fat that may have settled in this area. But for that, you don't necessarily need drastic diets or intense exercise. By knowing the good habits to adopt, you will quickly find a pretty rounded buttocks. Bonus: the majority of these tips also fight against cellulite!

1. Avoid sitting for too long
One of the main functions of the gluteus maximus is to provide you with support to stand up when you are sitting in front of your monitor or at the desk. For this reason, one of the easiest ways to get it to work is to get up more often. In front of a computer or television, set an alarm every 30 minutes to get up from your chair and take a few steps. You can even take the opportunity to do lunges.

2. Improve your posture
It may seem trivial to you, but posture has a huge influence on the appearance of your glutes, especially since its muscles keep your body upright. To engage it, straighten your back and shoulders as often as possible. In addition, you will look a lot more confident with better support.

3. Take the stairs as often as possible
If this advice comes up regularly to strengthen muscles, it's because it's proven to be effective and allows you to achieve significant results in a short time. Those who don’t have time to hit the gym should consider this alternative workout. And for good reason, engaging the muscles of the buttocks and legs by going up the steps acts against cellulite, firms the skin, engages the buttocks muscles and improves blood circulation. The ideal? avoid the elevator as much as possible and walk up the stairs at home several times a day.

4. Eat more protein
Who says muscles, necessarily says protein. And for good reason, it is what will allow you to develop this part of the body that is causing you so much hassle. Favor natural protein sources to rebuild muscle mass, preferring white meat and low-fat dairy products. At the same time, limit fried foods, sugar and ultra-processed foods that can land directly in the hips and buttocks and lead to the development of cellulite. Generally, protein consumption is recommended 30 to 45 minutes after strength training.

5. Vary your exercises and add weights
While the squat is known to be an often recommended strength training exercise, that doesn't preclude introducing other movements to target all muscles. In addition, gradually adding weight can be beneficial in order to optimize muscle work and contribute to the development of the glutes. So vary one or two exercises over the course of your workouts once you've mastered them and put on a dumbbell for even more efficiency. This squat program sculpts the buttocks in just 30 days.

6. Take advantage of the queues to contract your glutes
At the bank, at the supermarket, or before seeing a movie at the cinema, many of us find ourselves stuck in a queue that lasts a few minutes. To take advantage of this moment, contracting your buttocks is an ideal exercise. Standing, lift your heel off the floor and extend your right leg to the side. Hold this position for 15 seconds, then switch to the other leg. You can also stay in a normal position and perform a series of contractions by relaxing 3 seconds between each contraction.

7. Exfoliate and moisturize the skin of the buttocks regularly
Beyond the exercises to perform to work your glutes, know that it is just as important to take care of their appearance. Exfoliation, exfoliation, hydration… so many measures necessary to eliminate dead cells and nourish the skin. Next time you're in the shower, why not try this coffee grounds cellulite scrub?

What muscles do you need to work on in order to have a shapely buttocks?
The glutes include three main muscles: the gluteus maximus (or gluteus maximus), gluteus medius (gluteus medius), and gluteus minimus (gluteus minimus). Together, they participate in our daily movements to tilt the pelvis, move the legs or stretch the hips.

The small and the gluteus medius
The gluteus medius muscle rotates the legs, extends the thigh, stabilizes the pelvis and maintains our balance by activating with each step taken. Directly connected to the trunk, it is on the lateral part of the buttocks and therefore gives shape and roundness to the hips. The gluteus minimus muscle is located just below the gluteus medius. Its role is to ensure the maintenance of the basin. When it grows, it also helps to have a nice round and plump buttocks.

The gluteus maximus
The gluteus maximus muscle is the largest part of the glutes. And for good reason, it is the biggest and most powerful muscle. Without it, we would be unable to walk or even stand. Indeed, the latter stabilizes the knees and therefore the steps taken. It also gives that rounded shape to the buttocks, but when it is not used enough, it is also responsible for the famous saddlebags!

3 exercises to have a beautiful plump buttocks
To build your buttocks and find a nice curve, the recommended exercises are Bulgarian squats, one-leg step up and fire hydrants (lateral leg lift). To develop the gluteal muscles, it is necessary to train them twice a week, making sure that the training days are not consecutive. At the same time, a varied, balanced diet richer in protein is also necessary.

For the following exercises, beginners can start with 3 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions. If you are at a more advanced level, perform 3 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions.

1. The one-legged step up
This exercise works the quads, gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, abs, calves, and lower back.

Position yourself near a bench with your back straight. Put your hands on your waist and raise one leg while bending the knee 90 degrees, then put your foot on the bench. The other leg should remain steady on the ground. Once in position, support yourself on the heel of the high foot and push the opposite foot simultaneously to climb. Hold this position for a second, then come back down. Repeat on the other side.

2. The side leg lift (fire hydrant):
This exercise particularly targets the gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus and abdominals.

You can use ankle weights to increase resistance or add them after a few weeks of training.

Start by settling down on a mat, supporting yourself on your hands and knees. They should touch each other and the hands should be apart so that they are in line with the shoulders. Keep your back straight and look down to the floor. Then lift your right leg up and away from the body at a 45 degree angle. The left knee should remain stable. Once in position, open the right knee to a 90 degree angle and lift your leg so that it is aligned with the hips. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the opposite side.

3. The Bulgarian squat
The muscles used are the gluteus maximus and medius, quadriceps, hip adductors and hamstrings.

To perform the Bulgarian squat, which is a variation of the classic squat, again stand in front of a bench or chair with your back turned. Step forward with one foot and place the opposite foot on the chair behind you. Shrouding the core belt and keeping the core straight, bend the front leg, bending the knee 90 degrees down to the floor. Stay in position for a second, then return to starting position. Repeat the exercise with the opposite leg.
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