5 tips to burn fat after age 40

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5 tips to burn fat after age 40
5 tips to burn fat after age 40

It seems that the metabolism slows down after the age of 40, and that it is much harder to accelerate it to lose weight at this stage of life. But what is metabolism? Why is it slowing down with age? And how can we accelerate it? The answers to all these questions are in this article!

The more we advance in age, the more time presses us! Between family commitments and professional commitments, often at age 40, we neglect ourselves without realizing it. Less time for sports, less attention to our diet and a slowing metabolism, all for a body that is not working well.

What is metabolism?
In simple terms, your metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that help keep your body alive. It also determines the number of calories you burn per day. The faster your metabolism, the more calories you burn.

According to a study from the University of Florida, the speed of your metabolism is influenced by four key factors:

Resting metabolic rate: how many calories you burn while you are resting or asleep. This is the minimum amount needed to keep you alive and functioning.

Thermal effect of food: how many calories you burn by digesting and absorbing food. EFT typically accounts for 10% of your daily calories burned.

Exercise: how many calories you burn through exercise.

Thermogenesis of non-sporting activity: how many calories you burn during non-physical activities, such as standing, moving, washing dishes and doing other household chores.

Age, height, muscle mass and hormonal factors can also affect your metabolism. Unfortunately, research shows that your metabolism slows down with age. This is mainly due to less activity, muscle loss and aging of your internal components.

Here's how to boost your metabolism:
Be active
Your activity levels can significantly affect the speed of your metabolism. Research has shown that physical activity accounts for about 10-30% of calories burned daily. For very active people, this number can reach 50%.

A study of 65 healthy young people (21 to 35 years old) and the elderly (50 to 72 years old) showed that regular endurance exercise prevents metabolism from slowing down with age.

Running, cycling or swimming will greatly improve your health and can help prevent the fall of the metabolism.

Sleep enough
Research shows that a lack of sleep can slow down your metabolism. Fortunately, a good night's sleep can reverse this effect. If you have trouble falling asleep, try disconnecting yourself and not using tablets or smartphones for at least an hour before going to bed. Otherwise, talk to a specialist!

Eat more protein
Studies have shown that a protein intake ranging from 25 to 30% of your calories could boost your metabolism by 80 to 100 calories a day, compared to a low protein diet.

In fact, your body burns more calories while consuming, digesting and absorbing high protein foods. This is called the thermal effect of food (TEF). High protein foods have a higher TEF than foods rich in carbohydrates and fat. Think about having a source of protein at every meal.

Eat well
A low calorie diet can slow down your metabolism by tipping your body into starvation mode. Although diets have benefits when you're young, a study by the Birmingham Center for Musculoskeletal Aging Research found that maintaining muscle mass is more important with age.

As reported by Independent magazine, eating about every three hours, whether it's a meal or a snack, keeps your metabolism going during the day.

Good to know
Green tea can increase your metabolism by 4 to 5%. A study of 10 healthy men found that eating green tea three times a day increased their metabolism by 4% in 24 hours.

Remember to detoxify your body by keeping it hydrated. Consume at least 8 glasses of water a day.
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