Understand the principle of the Shape Training system

Shape Training is fast becoming the best training system for athletes, trainers and fitness enthusiasts. It combines science with experience to drive
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 Understand the principle of the Shape Training system

Understand the principle of the Shape Training system

Shape Training is fast becoming the best training system for athletes, trainers and fitness enthusiasts. It combines science with experience to drive positive user outcomes. Unlike other programs that rely solely on outdated weightlifting techniques or athletic strategies, Shape Training recognizes the mental and physical aspects of athletic performance.

By understanding the underlying principles at play, most can be confident that they are making sound decisions when setting goals, and that they gain the confidence that comes from mastery over time. If you want to take your athletic performance to the next level, here are some of the reasons why you should get acquainted with Shape training!

What is the Shape Training system?

The Shape training system created by French sports coach Lounis Brenneman is designed to revolutionize the way athletes train for a variety of sports. The system is based on five distinct components – mobility, positions, exercises, restoration and nutrition – which are specifically intended to improve the physical strength, endurance and overall performance of athletes. Each component is tailored to high-level athletes entering elite competition. 

Through the application of proven techniques, the Shape training system claims to be capable of producing tangible results in athletes in just ten weeks of application. Ultimately, this dynamic system appears to be the key to the success of many athletes in any sport that demands physical excellence.

The principle of the Shape training system.
The principles of shape training developed by Lounis Brenneman are based on the concept of combining different muscle contraction regimes in order to effectively achieve an ideal physique. Breaking away from traditional bodybuilding programs, which often focus on lifting heavy and percentages of 1RM, Brenneman instead emphasizes the physical sensation of performing each exercise and progressing through it. This means that his Shape training program is not only designed to produce visible results, but also allows for greater freedom in terms of feeling and understanding your own body.

“Feeling” your muscle is the key principle of Shape Training.

To implement his fitness training program, Brenneman primarily focuses on changing the intensity or speed of performing exercises, rather than relying on specific numbers such as weight or number of repetitions . It encourages people to “feel” their muscles as they move from one position to another, instead of just focusing on the amount of weight lifted. This allows you to better control each movement and create a connection with your body, which can lead to faster and longer-lasting results. He also believes in giving the body plenty of rest between sets so that it has time to heal and recover before attempting more demanding exercises.

Finally, Brenneman advocates a holistic approach to fitness that aims to strengthen several parts of the body at once to maximize effectiveness. His program is designed so that each workout incorporates movements in all three planes of motion (frontal/transverse/sagittal). Thus, this holistic approach allows individuals to achieve their goals more quickly while reducing the risk of injuries due to overtraining certain body parts.

What are the muscle contraction regimes on which the Shape Training system is based?

This training system combines the different modes of muscle contraction to create pre-fatigue and stimulate all muscle fibers. This innovative approach uses three contraction regimes:

Isometric: During an isometric contraction, the muscle remains static without any movement, like in a chair pose.
Concentric: For concentric movements, muscle fibers shorten during contraction.
Eccentric: In the case of an eccentric contraction, the muscle fibers lengthen during the contraction.

When used in combination, these distinct contractions work together to generate fatigue and help stimulate all available muscle fibers for development, which its creator claims guarantees great results! The goal of each posture is to achieve a balance between these three different regimes of muscle tension and contraction, so that they can coexist harmoniously with each other. This method helps generate a greater range of motion in postures and increases endurance levels, both very important elements of an effective training program.

Combining these three diets also allows you to target different muscles in multiple ways, working them effectively with fewer repetitions, while still achieving rapid results. Additionally, this type of training has been found to increase coordination as well as strength, which helps athletes better understand their body's limits and how far they can go.
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