Jump squat: here's how and above all why you should do it!

The jump squat is a plyometric exercise (jump training exercise) that adds a jumping motion to a traditional squat.
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 Jump squat: here's how and above all why you should do it!

Jump squat: here's how and above all why you should do it!

The jump squat is a plyometric exercise (jump training exercise) that adds a jumping motion to a traditional squat.

Jump squats are bodyweight exercises characterized by a straight upward jump at the top of the movement. With proper form, jump squats can be a great way to burn calories and improve upper and lower body strength.

3 benefits of jump squats.

Jump squats can be a useful part of your exercise program for several reasons:

Jump squats work several muscle groups.
The jump squat works the leg muscles, such as the quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings, as well as the core and lower back muscles.

Jump squats develop explosive strength.
Jump squats use an explosive movement, which means they activate your muscles to their maximum potential in a shorter period of time. By increasing your explosive power, jump squats can be a useful cardio exercise for sprinters and runners.

Jump squats are versatile.

Jump squats are an easy exercise to do outside of the gym, without additional equipment. Additionally, there are several jump squat variations you can try, including the box jump squat, the jumping lunge, and the weighted jump squat, which uses a free weight like a dumbbell or kettlebell.

How to do a Squat Jump?

Here's how to do it:

Stand with your feet slightly shoulder-width apart, toes pointing slightly outward. Squat with your weight in your heels, chest proud, knees over toes, and a neutral spine. When you reach the bottom of your squat, squeeze your glutes and give a strong push through your legs and heels to rise, pelvis forward, pushing off your toes at the last moment of contact with the ground. Land softly, then use the momentum from your landing to launch into your next squat. Repeat the same movements.

If you're training for speed and power, keep the reps and sets low (three to four sets of five reps or fewer, aiming for maximum height with each jump). For general conditioning as part of a larger workout, aim for time (15, 30, or even 45 seconds of squat jumps) combined with other bodyweight, cardio, or strength movements.

A factor in the number of repetitions you should aim for:
Your last jump squat should be as tight as the first. If your form starts to falter, that's a good sign that you've reached your peak and it's time to move on to another exercise.

Change the challenge:

The key factor in making jump squats easier or more difficult is changing the depth of your squat. Deeper squats recruit more muscle, but a shallow squat or quarter squat allows for more athletic explosiveness and more efficient jumping. For low reps, go deep, but if you're aiming for as many reps as possible in 30 seconds, stick to shallower squats for a better liftoff.

Incorporate bungee jumping into your workout.
Since this is a plyometric movement and stresses your system, limit yourself to doing sets of squats once or twice a week.

It's very easy to incorporate this move into any HIIT routine to work on strength and conditioning. Try it with other bodyweight exercises like hill sprints, split jumps, and push-ups for a complete workout at home. You can also try doing squats in between sets of heavy lower body weight movements, like sumo squats.

What are the contraindications to mention before practicing the jump squat?
There are a few contraindications to consider before adding them to your training program. First of all, if you suffer from lower body injuries or joint pain, jump squats can make these problems worse.

Second, if you're new to squatting movements, it's important to perfect your technique with regular bodyweight squats or goblet squats before progressing to jump squats. Finally, if you suffer from heart problems or high blood pressure, it is best to consult your doctor before performing any type of plyometric exercise like jump squats. That said, jump squats can be a great addition to any workout for healthy people looking to build strength and power. Just be sure to start slowly and progress carefully toavoid injury.
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