Only 15 minutes a day to increase your metabolism

Metabolism is a term that describes all chemical reactions in the body. These chemical reactions keep the body alive and functioning.
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 Only 15 minutes a day to increase your metabolism

Only 15 minutes a day to increase your metabolism

Metabolism is a term that describes all chemical reactions in the body. These chemical reactions keep the body alive and functioning.

However, the word metabolism is often used interchangeably with metabolic rate or number of calories burned. The higher it is, the more calories you burn and the easier it is to lose weight and keep it off.

Having a high metabolism can also give you energy and make you feel better.

Here are 5 simple workouts to increase your metabolism.

1. Bulgarian Split Squat

Stand about a foot in front of the bench and place the top of your left foot on it, bending your knee slightly. Keeping your back straight and contracting your abdominal muscles, lean your torso forward slightly and bend your knees to sink as low as you can, or until your left knee almost touches the floor. Pause and push yourself up, putting weight on your right heel. It's a repetition.

Perform as many repetitions as possible in 30 seconds (each side) and immediately move on to the next exercise.

2. Push-ups and reverse shoulder press

Place the hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart on the floor and extend the feet backwards so that the body forms a straight line from head to toe; then push your butt up by extending your arms. From this position, bend your elbows to lower your head until it almost touches the floor. Push yourself up again by extending your arms; then return to the starting position. It's a repetition.

Perform as many repetitions as possible in 30 seconds and immediately move on to the next exercise.

3. Single Leg Floor Tap

Stand straight with the weight on your right leg, lean forward from your hips and keep your back straight. At the same time, reach for the floor with your left hand while making a straight line with your back with your left leg. Pause and return to the starting position. It's a repetition. Complete all reps, then switch legs and repeat.

Perform as many repetitions as possible in 30 seconds (each side) and immediately move on to the next exercise.

4. Walkout with Alternate Shoulder Tap

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, arms at your sides. Keep your legs straight and your abdominal muscles tight. Place your hands on the floor in front of your feet and step forward with your hands until you are in a high plank position. Bring the right hand to the left shoulder, lower your hand towards the floor; then repeat with the left hand towards the right shoulder, keeping your hips and body still; then bring your hands back to your feet and come back up. It's a repetition.

Perform as many repetitions as possible in 30 seconds and immediately move on to the next exercise.

5. Bench bridge

Lie on the floor and place the heels of your feet on the bench. Then push your hips up and press into the bench with your heels. Contract your abdominal and gluteal muscles and come back down with your buttocks. It's a repetition.

Perform as many repetitions as possible in 30 seconds.

Push yourself to complete as many repetitions of each exercise as possible in 30 seconds (per side, when indicated), then immediately move on to the next exercise. Rest for 90 seconds, then repeat the entire circuit two more times for a total of three rounds.

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