10 ideas to move more during the day (and feel better!)

Getting moving really doesn't have to be a chore! In fact, placing pleasure at the center of our physical efforts is always a good strategy if we want
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 10 ideas to move more during the day (and feel better!)

10 ideas to move more during the day (and feel better!)

Getting moving really doesn't have to be a chore! In fact, placing pleasure at the center of our physical efforts is always a good strategy if we want to persevere and not get disgusted after two repetitions.

Splitting our periods of movement can also be the solution to reconnect with physical activity. These short periods encourage us to multiply them because we quickly feel the beneficial effects of the movement. And who doesn't have a little 10 minutes to fit into their schedule?

We even offer you clever solutions to get active instead of getting impatient... Good plan, isn't it? Choose what appeals to you the most and have fun!

1. Walk quickly… and often!

Walking is probably the easiest way to move and the safest way to avoid injury. It's a gentle cardio workout with proven long-term benefits. Why not go out for fifteen minutes or more at lunchtime (plus, it allows us to get some fresh air and a screen break!) and walk. Or plan longer walks at the end of the day. Want to spend yourself? Opt for brisk walking. Want to start running? Alternate periods of walking and jogging, little by little. I promise, the more you go gradually, the more you will feel your form improving.

No matter where we are going (work, dentist, theater, etc.), we can get into the habit of parking or disembarking at a station a little further away in order to integrate walking into our outings. Also take advantage of the many hiking trails this summer!

2. Dancing

It's proven! Dancing is good for our body and our morale. We put on three or four catchy songs and we let ourselves go without embarrassment. It's a great way to decompress in times of stress! And to "exercise" a little more, you can do a few bodybuilding exercises, depending on what calls you. Enough to get a good bundle of endorphins for the rest of our day!

3. Take the stairs

It's a classic trick to move more during our daily trips: avoid elevators and favor the stairs. The most possible! We improve our cardio and we work the lower body. After a few weeks, you will already feel your breath improving and that is precious!

4. Working our arms between tasks

We can take weights (if we don't have any, we take a bottle of water or canned food) and we strengthen our arms while we catch up on an episode of our favorite series, when we supervise the children's bath, when we are in “waiting” mode at home, etc. It works great without dumbbells too!

5. Take “bodybuilding” screen breaks

Want to listen to a series or a movie? We can take the opportunity to move at the same time! It's a combo of activities that can appeal to beginners as much as sports enthusiasts, since sometimes training at home can become flat... So, we jump into a "jumping jack" or buttocks heels. Do sit-ups or push-ups. A small board, perhaps? And why not a little spinning in intervals if you have a stationary bike! Casually, time flies when you're doubly busy! If you want to train a little more intensely during our show, you can take advantage of the 30-minute workouts.

6. Incorporate mini yoga routines

To improve our mobility and stretch our body too often sitting at the desk, we can enhance our day with short yoga sessions. In the morning, when we get up, we go slowly. We stretch and wake up our body. We take advantage of some sun salutations that are good and wake up our muscles and joints. In the afternoon, take a little break from work and find the exercises that energize you and allow you to continue the rest of the day on a pleasant note. And for the evening, we go with our favorite poses that unravel the stress accumulated since our dial rang: posture of the child, the pigeon, a few “dogs with lowered heads”, etc. It doesn't matter, as long as it gets you moving and brings you back to your physical sensations!

7. Muscle your calves

We can work our calves by standing on our tiptoes while standing up straight and thinking about engaging the abs, doing the dishes, watching TV, waiting in line, behind a counter, etc.

8. Do stretches in front of the screen

During the day, we stop and stretch. This relieves tension (or prevents it!). It feels good and in addition we feel that our energy circulates better in our body.

9. Return to childhood

What if moving allowed us to go back to childhood and have fun?! It's not for nothing that the expression "play outside" exists! We take out the hula hoop, the skipping rope, the rubber band, the roller skatesulettes and the trampoline. We just have fun moving! You can also train in a park by doing easy exercises, and it's the kind of fun outdoor activity to do in 2 or 3. You can prepare a little training plan, motivate yourself as a group and end in style with a little picnic with friends! In fact, linking pleasure to movement is the ideal recipe for feeling good and wanting to stay active and active on a daily basis.

10. Garden daily

Pull a few weeds here and there, plant flowers, maintain the flowerbeds, etc. These are activities that keep you in shape in addition to making your outdoor space more beautiful. No garden? Offer to help a relative or friend. Ah, then don't forget the sunscreen!
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