7 exercises to sculpt your body at home

To build your entire body and burn fat, you don't always have to be in the gym. There are strength training exercises you can do at home that can give
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7 exercises to sculpt your body at home

7 exercises to sculpt your body at home

To build your entire body and burn fat, you don't always have to be in the gym. There are strength training exercises you can do at home that can give you the shape you want.

If you want to gain muscle mass and activate calorie burning, you can adopt this 20-minute workout that combines core strength and fitness.

Adopt a home strength training program

Beyond improving your physical condition, integrating weight training into your sports routine helps strengthen your buttocks, thighs, lower back and biceps. Proper training also tones the muscles of the upper body. Before doing these movements, it is important to stretch to avoid painful aches.

1. Squats help shape the buttocks and other deep muscles

To gain muscles on the lower body, squats are ideal, especially if you want to increase the muscle volume of the buttocks. By practicing this exercise regularly, you stimulate your quadriceps, your hamstrings, the lower back but also the calves. For this movement which allows you to sculpt the lower body, you will need to wear a weight bar on your shoulders or a dumbbell in each hand and have your legs shoulder-width apart. Squat as if you were sitting with your back straight. If you want to exercise your lower body muscles effectively, repeat this gesture 12 times, take a 30-second break, and complete three sets in your workouts.

2. The side plank stimulates the muscle fibers of the legs

If you want to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal muscles, the glutes and the outer side of the thighs at the same time, the side plank is ideal. To do this, you will have to position yourself in a plank on your side, leaning on your forearms. Then raise your leg so that it forms a 45 degree angle. Lower the latter and repeat this movement 15 times before alternating with the other leg. For better toning, do 3 sets of this exercise with a break between each plank.

3. The inverted leg lift for the glutes and back

The advantage of this exercise is that it firms the glutes, hamstrings, abdominals and also the quads. The first step is to get on all fours and lift the right leg so that it is in line with the head. Lower the leg and do 15 repetitions before alternating with the left side. To better engage all of these muscle groups, complete three sets.

4. This leg lift alternative deeply tones the body

This exercise similar to the previous one strengthens the glutes and quads. To adopt it in your sports routine, you will need to get on all fours and lift your right leg up to the knee before resting it in its initial position. Repeat this movement 15 times before doing the same exercise with the left leg. The ideal is to complete three sets with a 30 second break before moving on to the other end.

5. This movement stimulates the abdominals, glutes and lower back

To accomplish this exercise perfectly, the initial position is to lie down on your lower back. Next, put your hands on the top of your head before lifting your legs so that you touch the feet with your hands. Repeat this movement 12 times adopting 3 sets with a 30 second break.

6. This exercise is ideal for firming the buttocks.

This movement not only gives you a shapely butt, but also strengthens your leg muscles. To do this, start by lying on your back with your knees bent and your arms at your sides. Then, you will have to lift the pelvis, making sure to contract the gluteal muscles. 15 reps are ideal with a 30 second break between the three sets.

7. This movement muscles the entire lower body

Start by being in a plank position with your arms straight before bringing your right knee to your right elbow. Repeat this exercise 12 times with a 30 second break before doing the same movement to the left. 3 sets are ideal for the 20 minute workout.


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