Here's why men should worry if their women become silent

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Here's why men should worry if their women become silent
Here's why men should worry if their women become silent
Gentlemen, it's time for you to learn something about your partners. Women tend to express themselves much more than men, they share their feelings, their fears, their weaknesses, their projects ... and do it openly, without hiding. It's their way of feeling better, confiding in yourself, or sometimes even settling your little conflicts. Eh yes ! Because when a woman makes you morals, it means that she cares about you. Instead, fear his silence, which is more revealing!
So gentlemen, do not worry when your wife speaks too often, or fights with you, because her complaints and quarrels are demonstrations of her love for you. Instead, fear his silence, because he may be more powerful than his words, and may represent the beginning of the end of your story.

Why should you worry?
You should worry when she is not fighting anymore with you; when she does not want to initiate a conversation with you, when she avoids speaking to you, when she is not interested in your discussions, when she no longer reacts to your words or gestures, and when your presence is indifferent to her.

A silent woman is a woman who has stopped fighting. She is a woman who does not try to understand you anymore and does not want to make any effort to please you.

His silence is proof of his remoteness which can mean the end of his love for you. She is no longer involved in your relationship and does not even bother to approach you or explain what is wrong.

For her, it has become useless to express herself and talk about her emotions because deep inside her, she already knows that it will not change anything. She no longer fights for you because deep inside her, she has already given up. She does not try to talk to you anymore, because deep inside her, she knows it's not worth it anymore.

For her it is almost finished if it is not already, and its silence is the proof of it. If his body is always present, his soul and his spirit are elsewhere. You are in the same place, but you do not end up anymore. You sit next to each other, but you feel it away from you. His presence becomes embarrassing, and yours is already embarrassing for her.

Your compliments do not touch it any more and the efforts you provide to understand it do not serve you because it does not even notice them. His silence is killing you, and you have the impression that whatever you do, she will never speak again.

What you need to do
If despite all the efforts you have made, your wife is silent, you should know that there is no chance for everything to become as before. Because if there was any chance that your relationship could be saved, your wife would have made it clear to you by reacting at some point to your efforts ...

It's simple! Ask her if she wants you to let her go. If that's what she really wants, she'll leave. If, on the other hand, she still holds you and still believes in your love, she will tell you.

You can also ask her if she is unhappy with you. There are always two answers to each question. If you are the reason for her misfortune, she will go away.

In a few cases, the woman goes away well before you try to understand the reason for her silence. In other cases, it is you who will leave because of the emotional fatigue caused by his silence and indifference.

So if your relationship does not seem to work and you can not save it, whoever decides to go first, you have to do it. And remember that a lasting and healthy relationship is based on communication and sharing, and when love disappears, these last two volatilize as well.

How to revive his relationship?

Know that it is always possible to give a boost to your youth but for this, you must react before it's too late. Also, it is essential to fight the routine, to concentrate on his couple, to value his partner, to make projects in common, to rekindle the flame of passion and especially to arm himself with patience and not to lose the control in case of conflict.

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