Losing weight nutritionists reveal the 8 big mistakes that make you fat

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Losing weight nutritionists reveal the 8 big mistakes that make you fat
Losing weight nutritionists reveal the 8 big mistakes that make you fat
If you are one of those who have trouble losing weight, rest assured, you are not alone. Beyond some apparent reasons such as lack of rigor or junk food that can hinder your efforts, there are other reasons that you do not necessarily aware that thwart your goals slimming. Nutritionists enlighten us on the subject through an article relayed by the magazine Prevention.
Beyond dieting, physical activity and foolproof motivation, some changes in your lifestyle are essential to eliminate the extra pounds. Very subtle, they are not known to everyone because we do not necessarily make the link between their importance and our weight. However, these are essential to find the line. Explanations.

1.The obsession of the balance
Many people focus on the number displayed on the scale, wrongly. By developing an obsession vis-à-vis the latter, they forget to take into account the efforts they provide on a daily basis. In addition, the difference in kilos does not always appear in the first days, as explained by nutritionist Jenna A. Werner. So, it's important to focus on your well-being and how you feel rather than on a number that ultimately does not mean much if you do not feel comfortable in your body. .

2.You mistake the pounds
Very often, some people panic seeing that despite all their efforts, the weight displayed on the scale does not change. What they fail to take into account is that not all pounds are equal, and that while some are due to fat, others may be the result of muscle gain due to activity. physical. Abby Sauer, a nutritionist with a master's degree in public health, says exercise is of paramount importance, especially for women, who would lose up to 8% of muscle after each decade.

3.Your eating habits are extreme

Manichean diet is one of the biggest brakes on weight loss. As a study published by the Journal of Health and Psychology explains, feeding yourself based on the binary principle of "black or white" is one of the surest ways to undo your efforts. According to the dietitian Bari Stricoff, no need to adopt a drastic and frustrating diet, the most important is to go gradually, reducing the amounts of fat and sugar and incorporating more fiber to meals to consolidate the results.
4.You want everything right now
"It's always the impatience to win that makes you lose," said Louis XIV and rightly because in terms of weight, this defect can lead you to make very bad decisions for the sole purpose of achieving your goals more quickly. According to Stricoff, the key is to set realistic goals, take time and exercise regularly.

5.You have an unhealthy look on food
By focusing only on "diet" ingredients, you risk developing a disgust for the food that will surely make you switch to the dreaded yo-yo effect of diets. Rachel Fine, nutritionist and director of a nutrition consulting agency, recommends not to deprive oneself by allowing yourself from time to time foods that do us good. By adopting a balanced and varied diet, we avoid nutrient deficiencies and the frustration of not eating what we like.

6.You have trouble controlling your portions
According to Werner, the portions that are used as part of a slimming program play a key role in weight loss. For the nutritionist, moderation is paramount, even when eating a healthy meal. Whether it is a slice of bread with avocado or a bowl of porridge, it must be remembered that it is not because a food is healthy that it must be consumed excessively.

7.You compensate stress with food
For some of us, food is an unstoppable way to deal with stress. Ice cream, chocolate, desserts, all means are "good" to feel better. Yet this habit is also one of the main reasons we gain weight. Rania Batayneh, nutritionist and author of the bestseller "The One One One Diet" warns against impulsive reactions to stress. According to the expert, you have to learn how to manage your emotions by giving yourself time to think about the best way to feel better.

8.Some salads are not as healthy as you think

Dr. Mike Russel, nutrition consultant unveils a very important point. In fact, salads can seem very healthy, but they are also one of the safest ways to avoid calories, especially if they are eaten at the restaurant. To better control their composition, the expert advises to always ask to have the sauce separated from the dish, by authorizing a maximum of two caloric ingredients such as cheese or nuts.
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